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Dr. Alex Spinoso and Vaughn Kohler are the mentors, friends, and partners who will walk this journey with you. With their combined expertise in scaling businesses and empowering personal growth, they’ve not only done the work—they’ve mastered the art of living a life full of success, joy, and fulfillment.

You’re not just learning from successful entrepreneurs. You’re learning from people who deeply understand the unique challenges that men and women in this industry face.

Dr. Alex Spinoso

Founder of Genesis Lifestyle Medicine

Vaughn Kohler

Strategic Mentor and Consultant

Client Testimonials

Hillary Mitchell
Founder of NewYou
Weight and Wellness

I am truly honored to share my experience with Dr. Alex Spinoso, a mentor who embodies everything that a mentor should be in the world of business and beyond. From the very beginning, Dr. Spinoso has been a guiding light, offering advice that is not only insightful but immediately actionable, leading to tangible improvements in both volume and revenue as well as unique and innovative ideas for improvement.

Dr. Elliot Hirshorn
Founder and CEO of
Newlife Health

“Dr. Alex is incredibly successful in business. Healthcare business in particular. If you want to improve the offerings to your patients as well as your bottom line, listen to what he has to say!”

Client Testimonials

Ed Mylett
Global Entrepreneur, NYT
Best-Selling Author, & Host
of “The Ed Mylett Show”

“Vaughn has a brilliant mind and an exceptional ability to convey a message like nobody I’ve ever met in my life. His genius is only exceeded by his beautiful spirit and his heart to serve.”

Meg Steedle
Actress and Producer
Star of HBO’s Boardwalk Empire

“Having pursued my career in film and television, I’ve been around men and women who excel in charisma, communication skills, storytelling, and the art of connecting with people in meaningful ways. As his acting coach, I’ve seen skills in Vaughn that I’ve only seen in the best performers.”

As Dr. Alex says…


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